Just thought I'd mention my recent cross country flight. I dread the day long journey to California, and last week was no different. To stave off the boredom and flight anxiety I usually have knitting projects on board. I had two sock projects with me last Tuesday, so as soon as I settled into my aisle seat on the first leg of the flight to Chicago I pulled out the preferred sock project. The middle seat was empty and the window seat was occupied by a late 30-ish man. As soon as I started the casting on process he became interested.
So what are you making?
I'm starting a sock for my husband.
How does that work? How does it become a sock?
It eventually becomes a tube and then gets a heel and then a toe.
Bet you'll have it finished before we get to Chicago!
Probably not, don't think I knit that fast.
Well, your husband is a lucky guy.
I knit for the duration of the flight, but surprise, surprise I didn't finish the sock. I did make my way through the cuff.
During the 2 1/2 hour layover at Midway terminal, where they don't offer FREE Wifi, I made progress on the leg of the sock and the stitch pattern started to develop down the leg.
The flight to Sacramento was very full and the empty seat between a woman at the window seat and my aisle seat was soon occupied by a big, tall man. What was he thinking squishing into the little center seat (and possibly impairing my right arm action)? I pulled out my sock project anyway. He looked up from his magazine and asked me:
Are you making a sweater?
No it's a sock.
My mother used to do that in England when I was young.
Hmmm...that's interesting. Yeh, England is still full of knitters!
So what will you do with a sock?
Make another one and then my husband wears them.
Lucky guy!
As I knit along on the sock leg, I became more and more attached to the results of this appealing hand-dyed yarn. I'm thinking how lucky my husband was to be getting these socks that I'm loving so much I might have to hijack them!

I arrived in Sacramento many hours later, settled in at my parents house and took out my alternate sock project, a sock I'd started knitting last month with plans to gift the pair to my brother so he'd be prepared for next winter. I showed him the sock in progress and told him I was knitting it for him.
I couldn't wear that sock!
Why? Is it too fancy?
Well yes it's too fancy! Maybe when I'm buried...I could wear them.

Brothers! He was in a surly, deprived mood. I can't tell you how much of a pain in the %@# these socks were to get started (right? Karen), during my early spring brain freeze. Maybe I'll finish his casket socks and set them aside until that fateful day or maybe I'll just give them to some guy on a plane!
Just a 12 hour span of sock knitting in public.
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